
What is it?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that can infect both men and women. It can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. It is a very common infection, especially among young people ages 15-24 years.

How is it spread?

Gonorrhea is spread by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has gonorrhea. A pregnant mother with gonorrhea can give the infection to her baby during childbirth.

What are the Symptoms?

  • Females: Discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green)
  • Pain or burning sensation while urinating
  • The need to urinate frequently
  • Sore throat
  • Males: A white, yellow, or green discharge from penis
  • Males: Painful or swollen testicles (less common)
  • Females: Vaginal bleeding between periods
  • Some men with gonorrhea have no symptoms at all